By Damien Parker | January 27, 2015
Are you a workaholic?
In the long run, being a workaholic means work drowns out other activities and 0bligations; usually there are two victims – the health of the workaholic and also the diminished lifestyle of his or her loved ones.
Sure, short bursts of sustained effort and input are okay, provided the rewards are worth it and the body and mind are then given time to refresh.
Is there anything worse than being a workaholic?
YES, been a workaholic who is working for peanuts!
In my long career of examining countless numbers of businesses, the worst example I came across was a diesel mechanic working 108 hours a week for a lousy $8 an hour! Yes, you read that right, he worked seven days a week working a tad over 15 hours a day.
What about you? Try this test. Give yourself one point for every “yes” answer
Are you regularly at work for more hours than the statutory requirements of your industry or job?
Do you do much more than what’s required in your job description?
Do you have trouble delegating work to others?
Do you experience anxiety or stress or a regular basis?
Do you consider yourself a perfectionist?
Do you get irritated with people who aren’t working hard or fast enough?
Is it ages since you last took a decent holiday (at least a week or more)?
Does your work frequently spill over into other aspects of your life?
Do you frequently miss social engagements because of work commitments?
Does your family complain about your absence?
Do you consider everything about your job to be of great importance?
Do you have few hobbies?
Do you have few friends away from work?
Do you have difficulty relaxing outside of work?
Do you frequently check your “communication tools” away from work (mobile phone/tablets etc.)?
Do you think about work all the time?
Do you find that family/social events don’t give you the adrenalin rush which work does?
Are you frequently critical and impatient with team members?
Would your family members describe you as a workaholic?
Would your close friends describe you as a workaholic?
15 – 20 You are pushing yourself – and probably everybody around you – too hard.Review your circumstances now and seriously think about starting with a medical check-up.
5 – 14 More balance is required. Take the time to relax and smell the roses before you develop chronic workaholic practices.
0 – 4 You’re in good shape. Think about giving this test to somebody who you believe is “pushing the envelope”.
Sure, this is a subjective test, but heed the warning signs before it’s too late. Remember, the death bed beckons for all of us, sooner or later, at which time no man or woman utters the refrain “I wish I had worked more hours”. Far from it, the regrets usually centre on time not spent with loved ones and dreams unfulfilled.
Here’s to more sales, profits and cash from your business,
Damien Parker
Business Improvement Specialist
Follow my Tweets: @salesprofitcash
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