The Powerful Advantage of Age & Experience!

By Admin | March 10, 2015

Age & experience provide us with the absolute certainty that we are mortal. We know (give or take) that 657,000 is all we are given and we know that the sands of time have largely ebbed away, making those that remain much more valuable and not to be frittered away!

The Powerful Advantage of Age & Experience!At 64 years of age I fully appreciate the impetuosity & excitement of youth, for I was once young. I didn’t heed the advice of my elders when young and I dare say the young will ignore my plea of today.

With hand on heart, I can honestly say that time, my time, has passed incredibly fast and as each year goes by, the faster it goes. I’ve yet to hear anyone of my age or older who would reject these observations. It’s just one of those “you only know and understand by experiencing” things.

Give or take, 657,000 hours is all we get on planet Earth!

But, time has two dimensions…real-time and our perception of time. I have already admitted that in my mature years, time passes very, very quickly…yet there was a time when time passed slowly, very slowly.

Like me, you might recollect looking at the clock on the wall at school… tick-tock, tick-tock, and time passed slowly. Holidays seemed to take an eternity to arrive.

Quite some time ago, an American psychologist, Dr Leslie Weatherhead, made a striking correlation between our perception of time as it relates to the average life span and a standard twenty-four hour day. So, please understand that it’s not a proportional correlation, rather our perceptions of how quickly or slowly times passes.

This is what the table looks like.

If you’re 15, the time is 10:25am

If you’re 45, the time is 5:15pm

….20, the time is 11:34am

…50, the time is 6:25pm

…25, the time is 12:42 pm

…55, the time is 7:34pm

…30, the time is 1:51pm

…60, the time is 8:42pm

…35, the time is 3:00pm

…65, the time is 9:51pm

…40, the time is 4:08pm

…70, the time is 11.00pm


Midnight…and that most unwanted of people (the Grim Reaper) knocks on your door!

TIME is a valuable “use it or lose it” resource, and for those of us involved in business, every moment weighs heavily in your search for those extra sales, profits & cash dollars which I know, beyond certainty, are there! My powerful business diagnostic program will identify them for you, just as it has for literally hundreds of businesses just like yours.

For now, I’d like to explode a number of myths about time management.

Myth 1: The harder you work, the more you’ll get done.

Reality: 20% of your effort produces 80% of your results.

Strategy: When facing a task, determine the primary result you want to achieve and how you can accomplish it in the fewest steps; work smarter, not harder.

Myth 2: If you want it done right, do it yourself.

Reality: Successful people know how to delegate to make the best use of their resources. Perfectionism is a pre-cursor of burnout; never let perfection get in the way of a very good job.

Strategy: Start delegating now by providing detailed instructions; then stand back and allow the person to complete the task.

Myth 3: Those who are the most active achieve the best results.

Reality: When you try to do too much, you’ll often find yourself having to do things over because you didn’t do them right the first time.

Better: Learn to focus. Take one job at a time (the most important job) and devote the energy necessary to do it right the first time.

Myth 4: Work shouldn’t be fun.

Reality: Top producers enjoy their work and find meaning in what they do. Find ways to make your job more enjoyable and you’ll succeed.

Here’s to more sales, profits and cash from your business,

Damien Parker
Business Improvement Specialist
Follow my Tweets: @salesprofitcash

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