The Missing Link between Mediocrity & Success in Business

By Admin | March 24, 2015

Your Attitude, Responsibility & Accountability are the missing links between mediocrity and success and their application in your business will see it SOAR and Avoid DEBT!

The Missing Link between Mediocrity & Success in BusinessNow that I am at the end of my business career I can reflect on the changes I have witnessed over the years.

One of the biggest of which is the growing trend to shirk responsibility and avoid accountability; witness the massive growth in legal actions.

It’s almost as if we need to blame anybody and everybody else but ourselves.


The Blame Game is indeed alive and thriving in most commercial operations of any size!

Truly, if I had divine powers (which I obviously don’t) I would add an additional two Commandments to the existing ten as follows:


Those two keywords figure in just about every mistake, stuff up and error which occurs in your life, both personal and business.

If you, with positive attitude, strive to fully accept your responsibilities and be accountable for your outcomes, you will be an absolute winner and your business will SOAR to the heavens. SOAR, that’s an acronym for the following:

See                                       – We see the opportunity in everything

Ownership                             – We take full ownership of where we are today and tomorrow

Accountability                         – We are accountable for our actions and the consequences

Responsibility                         – We accept total responsibility for our position in life.

But, the reverse is also true. A negative attitude and a failure to accept responsibility and accountability will see the business owner and the business in DEBT (financially, attitudinally and emotionally, perhaps all three!).

Denial                                       – We prefer denial to the reality which exists

Excuses                                   – We make excuses for our non-performance

Blame                                      – We blame others for our actions/inactions and consequences

Take                                        – We take and never give or contribute.

Use these two acronyms to easily identify the people around you be they staff, friends or acquaintances. I guarantee the SOAR/DEBT analogy will hold true! Ask yourself “are they in SOAR mode or DEBT mode?”

Not a bad way to constantly challenge your outlook on things either.

Here’s to more sales, profits and cash from your business,

Damien Parker
Business Improvement Specialist
Follow my Tweets: @salesprofitcash

Recent Blogs in our Management Series include:

Why “Tell & Yell” Management Doesn’t Work
Let’s Stop The Negativity & Talk Up The Positive
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