More Sales Profits and Cash In Your Business… FAST
& With Less Stress & More Enjoyment… GUARANTEED! |
Attention: |
Owners & managers of small/medium businesses desperately wanting better results |
Join Hundreds of Business People who have Generated Tens of Millions of Dollars in Extra Profits & Cash Using My Sales-Profits-Cash Business Diagnostic Program! |
These are big claims which I can back up with a pile of personal testimonials!
People like Rob Outridge of Maleny IGA Supermarket in Queensland, Australia who generated an additional $3.5 million dollars in extra profits in just four years following my business diagnostic program or Russell Sutton, staircase manufacturer from New South Wales, Australia whose sales increased 400% and profits rocketed ten-fold! Not to mention our 2003 trial group of 165 Australian businesses for whom we identified an additional $16 million in extra annual profits following the same diagnostic process which I am now making available to the global business world! In fact, I am so confident that my Sales-Profits-Cash Business Diagnostic Program will work for you that I am offering the strongest guarantee ever issued for an online business informational product. Effectively you risk nothing and my guarantee is detailed in full later in this document. Here’s why I am so confident. You see, this diagnostic has been devised by me from over 30 years of full-time practical hands-on consultancy experience and my daily interaction with many, many small medium businesses, just like yours. As the writer/publisher of Australia’s longest running private subscription newsletter in Australia for small/medium businesses and my public speaking engagements, give or take, I’ve probably addressed over 130,000 business people. I know the issues and I also know where to locate the opportunities for significantly increasing sales, reducing costs and improving productivity…and all of this knowledge is distilled in the Sales-Profits-Cash Business Diagnostic Program. Yes, I know just how powerful this program can be. I’ve personally conducted it in around 200 businesses with devastatingly positive results as measured using the best measuring tool of all…extra CASH! It really is the ants-pants at identifying both the present day opportunities and threats to your business. Look, as the business owner/manager you need to be aware of your present position because: you cannot solve problems until you first recognize them and you cannot take advantage of opportunities until you also identify them. This powerful diagnostic will allow you to recognize the problems and identify the opportunities within your business right now. And, it’s the perfect tool to get you to think about the future. You see, the past is gone & in the present (which is where we are right now), we must be setting things up to achieve the desired goals which are the future. |
Is Your Business Properly Rewarding You For Your Massive Input Of Time & Money?
Let me tell you a little bit about that trial group of 165 businesses who underwent my business diagnostic program in 2003 because you might well relate to their circumstances. Their conclusions definitely back up my many years of experience in dealing with 130,000+ business people. It’s tragic, but it doesn’t need to be this way:
Can you relate to this? If yes, guess what? This is business owners doing this to themselves! They are tolerating a lamentable profit result largely because they are missing massive opportunities to generate greater sales, profits and cash! In the case of that group of 165 businesses we proved it to the extent of some $16 million dollars of missed profit and cash…annually! If you are a card player, it’s akin to playing poker, but leaving 50% or more of your winnings on the table. Why do it? If you could see me now, I am on bended-knee as I say to you with absolute confidence: |
To demonstrate: With regard to that trial group of 165 businesses you will quickly spot the opportunities by their responses in the area of SALES (hindsight is a wonderful thing but do remember, you cannot take advantage of an opportunity until you firstly recognize it – and that’s what this group did way back in 2003 by following my business diagnostic program):
I could go on and on. Let’s just say that the Goddess of Sales Opportunity visited these businesses every day – she had money and wanted to buy – but she left unfulfilled…maybe to visit the competitors and do business there! Perhaps your business might not be as laid back as that group of 165, but, I’d be certain the Goddess of Sales Opportunity regularly leaves your business unfulfilled and its costing you massive amounts of sales, profits and cash!
The starting point is to invest in yourself and your business by investing in my Sales-Profits-Cash Business Diagnostic Program. It’s a drop-dead easy system to follow and apply. |
Here are the Major Benefits of the Sales-Profits-Cash Business Diagnostic Program
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» You’ll Spot Revenue Generating Opportunities Instantly & I’ll Personally Give You A Mountain Of Ways To Tap Those Opportunities. » You’ll Identify The Expenditure Leaks In Your Business Which Are Costing You Thousands Of Dollars Annually & I’ll Tell You How To Plug Those Profit leaks. » You’ll Identify The Productivity Wasters – People, Processes & Plant. Plus, I Will Give You The Good News On How To Be More Productive & Effective. |
Here’s what a few people who have been through this program have said: $3.5 million in just 4 years! I attended a 1997 workshop conducted by Damien Parker and it was the turning point in my career and business. Within 4 years of following his systems and processes, we had amassed an additional $3.5 million in profits. We still follow many of them today…some 17 years later! I’m personally delighted he has decided to return to active consulting. He has plenty to offer. Rob Outridge From a small regional player to a much larger operator with 7 branches & capital city representation Damien helped me transform my business from a small regional player to a much larger operator with 7 branches & capital city representation. It began with his business diagnostic process and then he showed me how. In one memorable instance, he showed me how to turn the table on the larger manufacturers and we garnered close on $300k in additional marketing assistance. This gave us the ability to expand rapidly. I believe implicitly in Damien’s practical methods because he has done what we are trying to do, he’s been in the trenches and isn’t just a text-book consultant. A terrific guy to have on your team.” Mark Dooley |
I’ll Guarantee You A Profitable Result Let’s not beat around the bush here…at 63, I know my stuff and if I don’t think I can assist you I will de-select myself right up front. And I’ve done this a number of times, usually because of the attitude of the owner/manager. You see, when a person says “I know”, that’s the end of the potential learning experience because they “know”….whether they are actually applying what they profess to know is a different matter. I want to work with minds that are like parachutes…because they are open to all sorts of opportunities and options. If this is not you…with the greatest of respect, I do not want you to buy this program! To the open-minded, action-oriented business owner or manager, here’s my iron-clad guarantee: |
If I can’t identify profit opportunities for you of at least ten times your investment in this program you won’t pay a cent and you are sole judge on this matter. |
With a guarantee like that you risk nothing!
I’ve not yet had one claim on my guarantee…rather, a mail-bag full of comments like the following:
400%+ Improvement In Sales & Profits We engaged the services of Damien Parker in 2009 and commenced with his business diagnostic process. We have largely been following the advice which emanated from this process and now in 2014, I am proud to say we have grown 400% in sales and ten-fold in terms of profitability. I attribute it all to Damien and his practical advice and systems. He has massively transformed us as a business and as business individuals. Russell Sutton Profits increased 30% year on year for 3 consecutive years – way better than any other franchisee “Without hesitation, I directly attribute my personal growth and business “smarts” to Damien Parker. Once I commenced with him, the increase in sales & net profits were considerable. In fact, the Harvey Norman computer franchise I operated at the time increased 30% year on year for 3 consecutive years -way better than other franchisees because we did things they could only dream about. He’s a nice person to boot who doesn’t have to blow his own trumpet because it’s very obvious he knows his stuff.” Yale Morgan Business literally exploded after using Damien’s services Damien worked with my business for just on 12 months and business exploded…and I do mean explode. I’d highly recommend him to any small/medium business owner looking to improve profits and cash…he’s a natural with so much experience and his processes and systems are first rate. Diedrik Gelderman |
So, What Are The costs?In the early 2000’s we sold this program for just under $3,000…and it sold extremely well because my clients recognised this wasn’t a cost; it was an investment in their future increased sales, profits and cash, year in and year out. But times have changed and we have now “remodelled” and “rebirthed” this program so that it can be delivered fully online. Effectively, there are seven hours of powerful information and questioning to identify the opportunities before you and your business. I am your constant companion throughout the entire program and whilst I charge (and get) $750 USD an hour for consultancy, I can deliver this entire program to you for just $489 USD…much less than one hour of my time. Plus, you have my powerful guarantee. There is no downside risk – you risk nothing! Yes, I’m convinced. I want more sales, profits and cash in my business |
Additionally, from detailed past experience, we know that all of this is eminently possible whilst at the same time providing you, the business owner or manager with more enjoyment and certainly less stress. There are four separate modules – containing seven hours of detailed questioning and information that will achieve our objectives. Module One involves a very detailed analysis of both you – the business owner and operator – and your business. In Module Two we will cover all matters dealing with the important topic of Sales. Module Three deals with Productivity – your productivity, the productivity of your staff and the effectiveness of your business systems and equipment! Module Four deals with Costs – specifically, all your costs of doing business. Put simply we are seeking far better bang for buck! And it’s very, very doable – judging by the results of businesses that have undergone this program. |
Precisely Why This Program Works & Why It Is So Uniquely Different From Ever Thing Else In The Marketplace I will immediately fess up and say that I (and every other consultant in the world) don’t know as much about your business as you! I’ll state that more categorically: Business People Know More About Their Business Than Anyone Else They must do because they are present in the business every day for many hours to oversee all the events and transactions as they happen. They have a massive grasp of the raw data. You know all the “ins and outs” of your business, you know all the basic facts, you have the local knowledge – what you probably don’t know or have, are the smart questions which will instantly convert those basic facts into powerful sales, profits and cash generating information. I have those powerful questions – close on 500 of them and together, in this program, we are going to match your knowledge with each of the smart questions and I guarantee you the result will be revealing as to how much sales, profit and cash potential you have that can be harnessed, starting now! |
The Art Of The Question You see, I built my business information company around the art of asking smart questions. One of my products, appropriately entitled The Business Review Checklist turned over an amazing $10 million in Australia alone. I happen to believe that the art of “smart questioning” is one of the most valuable assets of mankind; for the smart question elicits the correct answer and the correct answer can lead to the most amazing discoveries and realities which have profoundly changed the way we live. Can you think of any scientific discovery or invention that happened without somebody questioning the accepted belief systems? The greatest scientist of all time, Albert Einstein, had this to say about the art of questioning: “If I had an hour to solve a problem and my life depended on the solution, I would spend the first 55 minutes determining the proper question to ask, for once I know the proper question, I could solve the problem in less than five minutes.” When it comes to business – your business – I have spent 30 years crafting powerful business questions that will generate powerful answers! Make no mistake about it, the Sales-Profits-Cash Business Diagnostic Program is a unique and powerful tool which will direct you to the hidden sales, profits and cash that exist in your business right now. In fact, I fervently believe that: Business success is not based upon the sales you make it is based upon capturing a great proportion of the sales which you previously missed! …and Managing all resources better, faster, smarter and more cost effectively! the Sales-Profits-Cash Business Diagnostic Program will show you how! Yes Damien, I can see the practical logic of your program. I’m coming on board: |
Act Now & Receive Two Valuable BonusesBonus #1 – RRP $100482 Powerful Questions Every Business Manager Should Ask…Regularly! |
If you are a business owner or manager or a consultant or a coach you are interacting with people, technology, systems, processes and a myriad of other interrelated activities which require some direction on a minute by minute basis. The most effective way of doing this is by asking smart questions and in this program I’ve packed into it the best questions to operate a business on a day-to-day basis I have uncovered over my 30+ year career. |
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They really will help you to manage better, faster and more effectively, whilst reducing the huge stresses which come from running or managing a business or just organizing and leading people. The bottom line is this: When you regularly use my questioning template program you will massively reduce the stresses and strains associated with miss-communication, miss-direction, rework, missed opportunities, dissatisfied customers, shoddy delivery, poor quality and the myriad of other frustrations which happen in every business on a daily basis. |
Bonus #2 – RRP $97 USDPositively & Profitably Rebalancing The Rest Of Your Life |
So, to be sure that we have absolute balance, I’m delighted to include as a bonus one of my op selling programs entitled Positively & Profitably Rebalancing The Rest Of Your Life. Let me cut to the chase, at the conclusion of this program, these are the positive and profitable outcomes you can expect:
Along the way, we are also going to discuss a number of health issues, including stress management, and that most important matter – time management. Yes, all of us have exactly 1,440 minutes every day; the issue is we are not maximising them properly… and we never will until we bring better balance and focus into our lives. Surely it’s time to “Positively & Profitably Rebalance The Rest Of Your Life!”
Where To from Here?If you want to generate massively more sales, profits and cash in your business with less stress and more enjoyment…its decision time. If you are committed and action oriented, I’d love you to join us but I know you have three other choices.Firstly, you can do nothing…in which case both you and I know the outcome here – it’s more of what you are currently getting or not getting! Presumably, you aren’t happy with this, so do you really want to continue with a mediocre to poor result? |
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Secondly, you can procrastinate… but that’s not a decision, it is merely a deferral and ultimately will lead to doing nothing…so the mediocre to poor results will continue, so too, will your frustration. Thirdly, you can investigate alternative programs to my Sales-Profits-Cash Business Diagnostic Program. That is your prerogative and I would applaud your proactive approach. Should you find any program that is as comprehensive, yet easy to complete as mine, whilst intensely focused on the goal of increasing sales, reducing costs and improving product, then please let me know. Whatever your choice, I wish you all the best for you and your business. What I do know is that there are massive extra profits waiting to be identified and recovered within your business right now… and the benefits of doing so stretch well into the future…including a higher sale price for your more profitable business when you decide to sell. |
Cheers, Damien Parker Yes, I’m ready for change and up for the challenge. |