Let’s Stop The Negativity And Talk Up The Positive

By Damien Parker | November 24, 2014

bepositiveAs a business person I’m concerned at the amount of negativity filtering through our media. They seem to have a fixation on reporting depressing stories and peddling bad news.

Trouble is, they can trigger self-fulfilling prophecies and they’ve certainly done that a number of times in the financial world.

I’m now stating publicly that I refuse to read their depressing pollution and further I’m going to re-double my efforts in promoting the flip side of the coin. It’s positivity we need right now and a “can-do” attitude. So here now are a few Damien Parkerisms which I use from time to time at my seminars and speeches.

The language I’m about to express may not necessarily make the Oxford dictionary…and some of my terminologies are a little ‘colourful”, but that said, they are genuine.

So here goes.

In these uncertain times we all have two choices:

Choice One: Read the newspaper, pollute your mind with pessimism…then begin to spread it around like a fruit fly. Tell everyone who comes within earshot just how bad things are.

Result: You’ll still feel bad and you’ll make others feel just as depressed as you. Maybe that person to whom you’re talking will fill you in on yet other bad news you didn’t know about…fantastic, you’ve now got extra pollution to spread.

I call this crap-mongering and all the while, the real business of living, laughing and enjoying life passes you by.

Choice Two: I say forget the negative crap. Take stock of the situation. Understand that:

Where I Is
Is Where I Is
Where I’m Going Is Up To me.

An absolutely mangled piece of English, deliberately delivered to drive home the point and I used to get a certain kick out of seeing a room of 200 or so people on their feet yelling this out!

Not only that, take note of one very important phrase – characterised by these letters

YCDBSOYA…and no, it’s not a resort town in Russia!

You Can’t Do Business Sitting On Your A**

The last word rhymes with another way of describing a donkey and sorry to be a little bit blue here – but sometimes you need to be so in order to make a big point.
Don’t just sit on the track saying “woe is me”, you need a massive bias towards ACTION because that light coming up the track is a locomotive and it’s going to take you out if you just sit there and do nothing.

I’m Australian and we Aussies have a quirky habit of running words together…that said, interpret this and consider its importance:


Correct, you’ve got to do something and to do that,


Well, if you don’t “wanna”…I can’t help you and I doubt if anybody else can either…because you probably enjoy being a victim.

But if you do wanna…remember my appallingly mangled English expression:

Where I Is
Is Where I Is
Where I’m Going Is Up To me.

Ah yes, responsibility and accountability…two key words in the success you will generate from your business and life…but they are better greased with liberal lashings of positivity.

Moment of Truth: Would those around you on a daily basis say you are biased towards positivity or negativity?

Here’s to more sales, profits and cash from your business,

Damien Parker
Business Improvement Specialist
Follow my Tweets: @salesprofitcash

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