The Four R’s Which Every Staff Member Should Know About You & Your Business

By Damien Parker | October 27, 2014

If you need to reinforce respect and responsibility in your business, make sure the message behind the following four matters is completely clear to each staff member and is enforced to the letter:

This is what I REQUIRE from everyone who works here.

This is what I REQUEST of everyone who works here.

This is what I REFUSE to accept from anyone who works here.

This is what will cause me to REJECT anyone who works here

orderchaosPretty simple, hey?

It’s the difference between order and chaos.

Even bog-basic!

That is, if it is applied with clarity & both management
and each staff member buy-in on the detail.

But, we know this doesn’t happen in most businesses &
It is as much a frustration for staff as it is for


Why not begin the rectification process here – start by drawing up a standard page into quarters and begin writing in the detail on each of the four areas requiring clarification. Better still, why not do it as a joint exercise with each staff member. Give them the same standard page design and simply ask them this: If you were the manager of this business what would ask of a staff member doing your job? Then compare notes in a subsequent discussion before drawing up a final list.

I’m betting you will be amazed at the divergence of opinion between management and staff…but the first step in solution seeking is recognizing the problem. Why not start now?

Here’s to more sales, profits and cash from your business,

Damien Parker
Business Improvement Specialist
Follow my Tweets: @salesprofitcash

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