Attention: |
Business owners, managers, consultants & coaches wanting to massively leverage their time, effort & results |
The Little-Known SECRET WEAPON Used by the Super Stars of Business, Sport & Science… |
…and, often they don’t even know they are using it!
Yet, its application can make for such a massive difference in results.
Its Application Explains Precisely Why Albert Einstein was the Greatest Scientist of All Time |
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Hello, I’m Damien Parker business author and educator. I am fortunate to have understood the power of this secret and it was the cornerstone of my very successful business information company in which I produced over 30 business programs which grossed over $50 million. |
My most successful product was a manual called The Business Review Checklist (gross sales in excess of $10 million). It was unique in that it simply asked over 1,000 pertinent questions on all of the building blocks which make up a business – any business. I learnt early in my career that the quality of the answer – any answer – was determined by the quality of the question. In fact, I would go so far as to say that the greatest weapon any person can have in their personal arsenal is the ability to ask great questions. Albert Einstein knew this too when he said: “If I had an hour to solve a problem and my life depended on the solution, I would spend the first 55 minutes determining the proper question to ask, for once I know the proper question; I could solve the problem in less than five minutes.” The Direct Connection between Business Success & Questioning As business owners, managers, consultants & coaches our business success is judged not by the effort we put in but by the results we (and our team) deliver. We know that:
Each and every one of the above functions can be substantially better handled when applying the art of the question. In fact its bog basic simple:
Perhaps we could add one more to this list:
Message: If you want to improve the answers you get from others, and let’s face it, managing personnel is the most frustrating function of all, then improve the quality of your questioning! But the power of questioning goes well beyond business. The Direct Connection between Your Quality of Life & the Quality of Your Questioning As Socrates stated over 2400 years ago, the art of asking smart questions is arguably the greatest life skill of them all for it directly impacts on your quality of life. Follow the links here for they are profound: As business people;
As a business person, the link is unmistakable, your quality of life is directly linked to the quality of your questioning. That being the case, doesn’t it make sense to have a template of proven smart questions which will assist solve problems better faster and smarter? And to be able to identify opportunities and threats better faster and smarter? Templates…now there is an interesting word which will save you an incredible amount of time, stress and worry. Effectively, whenever you have a repeatable function, why not create a template so that forever into the future you can be guaranteed of a consistent, successful outcome. Now, if you are a business owner or manager or a consultant or a coach you are interacting with people, technology, systems, processes and a myriad of other interrelated activities which require some direction on a minute by minute basis. |
Why not create questioning templates around each and every one of these interactions? To do so will, I guarantee, provide you with an incredible, almost unfair, business advantage. Well, that template does exist…and it is available right now. It’s my program template entitled 482 Powerful Questions Every Business Manager Should Ask…Regularly! |
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Yes, I understand EXACTLY where you are coming from. I’m in.
Tell Me More Look, the very best way to solve problems and identify opportunities and threats is by asking questions and in my 482 powerful questions every business manager should ask regularly program, I’ve packed into it the best questions I have uncovered over my 30+ year career. They are all there, laid out in template fashion for you to read, copy and use in preparing your very own questioning templates to help you better manage yourself, your business, your staff and the myriad of other people, situations and circumstances you will frequently come in contact with on a daily basis. They really will help you to manage better, faster and more effectively, whilst reducing the huge stresses which come from running or managing a business or just organizing and leading people. The bottom line is this: When you regularly use my questioning template program you will increase sales, profits and cash whilst massively reducing the stresses and strains associated with
Not only will you get these issues under control this year, but every year for the rest of your business career whilst you continue to concentrate on your questioning techniques. Your exact questioning will generate exacting answers which will allow you to get to the core of issues much, much faster and with pin-point accuracy. Think about the massive extra benefits – year after year! |
Yes, I can see the HUGE advantages here.
In a practical sense, can you see the massive advantage of keeping a template of great questions all designed to probe how staff member X is performing, or a template to monitor the results delivered by contractor Y or a template to ensure supplier Z is performing to acceptable standards. All there, ready to use now, and well into the future. No need to think on your feet. You will be in total control as your probing questions get to the heart of the matter faster and with more certainty. In the 482 Powerful Questions Every Business Manager Should Ask Regularly Program I’ve included a myriad of smart questions that will enable you to
Questions that will allow you to uncover solutions or alternative courses of action Questions that will draw commitment and action And because this program is essentially business oriented I’ve given you some brilliant sales generating questions including 25 questions that you must ask every time you or one of your staff don’t get the sale If mistakes, stuff ups and rework are a problem at your business I’ve included 10 vital questions that will substantially reduce expensive rework. Do you want to win business from your competitors? I have included three vital questions guaranteed to do just that! They have been road-tested by myself and a large number of my clients. They work. They will generate you extra business. Plus, I have included a template on how to use them. I’ve included a number of questions that will be of great interest to people who are consultants or business coaches or simply managers of people – questions guaranteed to generate the correct answer. Plus, I’ve included a separate section that will allow you to easily, effortlessly and painlessly handle tough questions or situations. Remember, s/he who controls the questioning, controls the direction of the interaction and most often, the outcome! So How Much? I could ask more…a lot more, but frankly, I’ve already made my money out of this product, it doesn’t cost me much to distribute & I’d like to give something back to the business community. I am asking just $39.95 USD for this incredibly powerful, money-making, business improving, life changing program and I am going to offer you the same guarantee I offered throughout my entire career – that of a 100% money back guarantee if you are not totally satisfied. With an offer like that you cannot lose, you are at no disadvantage at any stage. Why not start now? Place your order and let’s get you going on generating more sales, profits and cash in your business by asking smart questions. |
All the very best…and remember, questions…they will determine the quality of your life! Cheers, Damien Parker |