Archive for May, 2015

Dreamer or Doer? It’s Your Choice!

Tuesday, May 19th, 2015

Dreamer’s “dream” and doers “do”. If they keep any lists at all, dreamers will keep a “procrastination list” whereas doers keep an “implementation list”. Irrespective of the possible awesome power of the dreamers “dream”, ultimate success (measured in any way you want) is to be found in the implementation by the doer. Are doers more […]

The Secret To Generating More Cash From Your Business

Tuesday, May 12th, 2015

It’s not really a secret…it is just plain common-sense completely overlooked and here it is: Pay Yourself First…Not Last! Can you imagine how perplexed a Martian looking down from on high must be as he tries to figure out the logic of what happens every week in most small to medium businesses? This is what […]